Virtual 3D Rubik's Cube 3x3

Don't have your 3x3 handy?  Now you can play with this realistic 3D simulator online.

There are 3 basic ways to move the cube:

  • On a mobile or other touch-enabled device, swipe the edges you wish to move, or swipe just outside the cube to rotate in space.
  • Use your keyboard to make moves using typical notations: U D F B R L (Up, Down, Front, Back, Right, Left). Use uppercase for a clockwise move (relative to each center) and lowercase for a counter-clockwise move. Additionally, use M/m, E/e, and S/s to rotate the center slices. Rotate the whole cube on one of its axes by typing X, Y, or Z.
  • Use your mouse to do the rotations, including moving the cube around all of its axes together.

Additional Info:

  • Click the Scramble button to create a legitimate, solvable puzzle.
  • Click the Undo and Redo arrows if you wish to undo/redo a move you've made (not a Scramble).
  • Reload the page to reset the cube.