(Because a database always beats a spreadsheet...and only takes 75 times longer to make!)

(Results are now sorted by Solve Time from fastest to slowest.)


Geek Date Solve Time Notes
DJL06/11/206s5.55 FB legit scramble but only took adj corners swap to solve (after z2 and y rotations)
DJL06/01/2012s11.79 CSTimer
DJL05/29/2024s23.86 FB Event
DJL04/04/200m 40sRelay 2x2 thru 7x7 from FB group idea
DJL04/04/200m 40sRelay 2x2 thru 7x7 from FB group idea


Geek Date Solve Time Notes
DJL04/27/2039sNew PB in 50-a-day FB challenge. Exactly: 38.61
DJL06/15/2039sColor-neutral challenge though color of day was white. Time almost PB. 39.29
DJL07/07/2041s40.55 Scramble on FB post by Joel about GoCube stats (he got a 6.21 PB!)
DJL04/17/2042s42.34 PB 100-challenge PLL skip!
DJL05/14/1947sTime was actually 46.64 on tablet so consider start/stop slowness (but all my times so far have that, so it's relative). No OLL!


Geek Date Solve Time Notes
DJL07/08/203m 3s3:03.24 my own relay
DJL06/20/203m 21s3:21.18 FB new PB
DJL08/15/223m 33s
DJL05/01/203m 41s3:41.48 FB group. New PB!
DJL08/25/223m 47s3:46.96


Geek Date Solve Time Notes
DJL07/11/205m 7s5:06.54 random scramble
DJL08/24/225m 11s5:11.15 nearly a PB
DJL08/19/225m 12sAlmost a new PB!
DJL06/25/205m 16s5:16.41 random scramble new PB
DJL08/25/225m 18s5:17.87


Geek Date Solve Time Notes
DJL06/17/208m 46sFB daily. New PB with new YJ cube (8:45.86)! Also did it with new MGC cube, but that was 9:48.32 (albeit first, tho I doubt that matters for me).
DJL06/07/2010m 9s10:08.57 new PB! (And that's with refreshing screen three times.)
DJL06/14/2010m 54s10:54.23 just for fun, random scramble, diag corners and PLL parity
DJL06/10/2010m 55s10:54.94 fb group 2 parities
DJL04/15/2010m 58s10:58.05 though I wasted time refreshing screen on tablet. FB group. New PB!


Geek Date Solve Time Notes
DJL10/08/2013m 23s13:22.58 new PB after doing 15x15!
DJL07/07/2014m 16sFB group new PB! 14:15.93
DJL05/23/1914m 56sUsed CSTimer, but screensaver kicked in, so it took awhile to unlock screen. Ugh. New 7x7 magnetic.
DJL04/14/2015m 33sFB group. One parity (last edge). Two commutators.
DJL05/12/2015m 38sFB group. 15:38.39


Geek Date Solve Time Notes
DJL11/20/2029m 3sI lubed cube again but it didn't help. :(
DJL05/05/1929m 37sEasy F2Ls.
DJL04/10/1932m 14sDidn't seem especially fast, but I beat my best time!
DJL04/15/1932m 56sNot my PB, but close!
DJL04/03/1935m 44sCube still catches a lot. Frustrating.


Geek Date Solve Time Notes
DJL07/10/2041m 26s41:26.12 in my own relay
DJL04/28/1942m 50sStill did way too many commutators. All F2L, though.
DJL09/06/1943m 8s2 single commutators and one double; all F2L; cube stuck A LOT
DJL04/12/1945m 25sDid way too many commutators (10?), but two doubles at least!
DJL01/16/2047m 00sIt's been awhile since I've done this. No parities, but did about 8 commutators and the cube locked up a lot. Think it's just too big for my hands to move comfortably.


Geek Date Solve Time Notes
DJL05/11/2025sPB by far. Only needed first layer! FB group. Real time was 24.85!
DJL05/04/2033sNew PB. FB group. Time was 33.41.
DJL05/25/202041s41.10 from FB group
DJL06/01/1948sAnti-sune. New magnetic puzzle. (CSTimer, but my own scramble.)

Master Pyraminx  

Geek Date Solve Time Notes
DJL04/30/195m 4sHad to do everything!
DJL03/28/195m 35sNo layer 3 centers. Messed up 3=> final centers.


Geek Date Solve Time Notes
DJL03/29/196m 45sKept locking up


Geek Date Solve Time Notes
DJL09/23/20226m 27s6:26.35 almost all not F2L pairs!
DJL09/28/20226m 34sAlmost PB!
DJL05/26/226m 48sTimed for the first time in long time.
DJL09/21/20226m 54s6:53.72 Almost a PB. Some F2L pairs; a few not.
DJL07/13/207m 2s7:01.76 FB group, new PB!


Geek Date Solve Time Notes
DJL03/09/2334m 39s
DJL03/08/2335m 28sHad to stop and restart 3 times due to texts I had to monitor, so it was actually faster.
DJL03/01/2335m 57sNew PB!
DJL02/20/2336m 02sNew PB and even had to do grey edges a few times!
DJL03/04/2336m 18sClose to another PB. Cube kept jamming, too.


Geek Date Solve Time Notes
DJL10/02/202h 23m 33sSlightly messed up in last 8-edges. Got headlights, but on big cubes I usually mess it up, so I did Sune and Antisune instead. Did a ton of commutators again, too.
DJL11/20/202h 28m 22sMessed up a white row again and totally messed up the 3x3 stage with misdoing swap adj corners. Drat!
DJL10/20/202h 28m 49sGot headlights again, but on big cubes I usually mess it up, so I did Sune and Anti-sune instead. Also got swap diag corners and that's too hard to do without fingertricks, so I did swap adj twice. Did a ton of commutators again, too.
DJL11/18/202h 33m 33sGot headlights yet again (weird!), so I did Sune and Anti-sune instead. Messed up one white row while doing yellow center.
DJL09/29/202h 34m 52sCrushed it! New strategy with a zillion commutators, but clearly it's faster than trying to figure out how to avoid them! Gnarliest last-edge parity yet, too!

Mirror 2x2x2   

Geek Date Solve Time Notes
DJL04/08/191m 26sMany brain farts on the bottom layer.
DJL03/29/191m 33sAfter about a year and probably a fluke.
DJL04/01/191m 43sProbably more typical

Mirror 3x3x3   

Geek Date Solve Time Notes
DJL04/01/195m 40sBetter than last, but still tried to put a corner in the wrong place 3 times!
DJL03/29/197m 43sUgh! This was after about 20 min. trying to remember how to do it again after a year.

Ivy Cube      

Geek Date Solve Time Notes
DJL03/28/1956sThis was under a minute, but surely a fluke!


Geek Date Solve Time Notes
DJL06/19/192m 26s2BLD CSTimer.
DJL06/14/193m 02s2BLD with a 2-sec penalty added for AUF (forgot to undo last B)
DJL06/14/193m 45s2BLD CST...pretty fast even with a few brain farts
DJL06/03/194m 51sCST 2x2 Blind
DJL06/03/196m 58sCST 2x2 Blind

Additional Info